Written By: Gail Doby, ASID



What Will You Learn From This White Paper?

  • FEE STRUCTURE OPTIONS: Different strategies for pricing your services in a way that fits your way of running your business
  • PRE-SCRIPT BETTER CONVERSATIONS: So you won't be caught off guard by prospects that grill you about your fee structure
  • DOUBLE-DIPPING: What to say when the client accuses you of double-dipping when charging for time and markup
  • STOP LOSING MONEY: By knowing how to control your out of control clients
  • HOW TO GET PAID WHEN THE SCOPE CREEPS: What to say when your client asks you to add on more work and doesn't think they should pay for it

Use the best practices we've taught Interior Designers to generate $175M in revenue over the last 5 years 

What's Inside?

  • Identify the ideal clients that are willing to pay you what you're worth
  • How to determine what a client values 
  • ​​Why you can't set your fees by comparing your rate to your competitors
  • ​How to avoid nickel and diming your clients leading to bills not getting paid
  • ​The pros and cons of price transparency with today's consumers
  • ​How to deal with clients that want to shop you
  • ​Best way to use Good, Better, Best pricing to determine your client's budget

What's Inside?

  • ​Increase your rates without the stress.
  • ​​Build a team so you aren't doing everything alone.
  • ​​Balance your home and work life.
  • ​​Create systems that make your business run without you.
  • ​​Work with the clients you choose to work with.
  • ​​Eliminate wasteful spending in your budget.
  • ​​Make more money for you, your team, and your family.

What readers say

John Doe Design Researcher

Mauris sollicitudin ac urna ac rutrum. Morbi a ullamcorper nunc, commodo tristique risus. Ut molestie mi sit amet magna interdum, non finibus magna dictum. Integer bibendum ex nec auctor lacinia. Duis non blandit libero

John Doe Design Researcher

Mauris sollicitudin ac urna ac rutrum. Morbi a ullamcorper nunc, commodo tristique risus. Ut molestie mi sit amet magna interdum, non finibus magna dictum. Integer bibendum ex nec auctor lacinia. Duis non blandit libero

John Doe Design Researcher

Mauris sollicitudin ac urna ac rutrum. Morbi a ullamcorper nunc, commodo tristique risus. Ut molestie mi sit amet magna interdum, non finibus magna dictum. Integer bibendum ex nec auctor lacinia. Duis non blandit libero

John Doe Design Researcher

Mauris sollicitudin ac urna ac rutrum. Morbi a ullamcorper nunc, commodo tristique risus. Ut molestie mi sit amet magna interdum, non finibus magna dictum. Integer bibendum ex nec auctor lacinia. Duis non blandit libero

John Doe Design Researcher

Mauris sollicitudin ac urna ac rutrum. Morbi a ullamcorper nunc, commodo tristique risus. Ut molestie mi sit amet magna interdum, non finibus magna dictum. Integer bibendum ex nec auctor lacinia. Duis non blandit libero

What Our Clients Say

CarolInterior Design Business Owner

"I now have specific goals (and more importantly, dreams) to grow my business -- income and profitability, adding optimism/excitement to my daily doings PLUS greater financial security to my longer-term personal life."

ChristineInterior Design Business Owner

“So often, running a business can feel lonely and overwhelming; the VIP Experience and Alliance programs have helped me discover my long- and short-term goals and given me a pragmatic plan, and genuine support, to get there. Every day, I wake up with a sense of purpose and focus. I know who my future self is, and when faced with challenges, I feel confident that I will be able to persevere. Weathering the storm feels possible because I know that on the other side is a rewarding career and financial freedom.”

AmyInterior Design Business Owner

“I get to do what I love doing and also make a good living doing it! I feel more in control of my life and my future. I have a plan for what I need to do to retire and live the lifestyle I want to live. I feel so much more secure and happy. Getting there took a lot of commitment and hard work, but it was all worth it!”

LeAnnInterior Design Business Owner

“I don’t think that there is a single aspect of my life that has not been profoundly affected by my first VIP Experience and my subsequent interactions with Gail, my Boardroom, etc. …Over the years, my coaching has encompassed these 5 key words: communication, confidence, clarity, community, collaboration.”

What Our Clients Say

Interior Design Business Owner

"I now have specific goals (and more importantly, dreams) to grow my business -- income and profitability, adding optimism/excitement to my daily doings PLUS greater financial security to my longer-term personal life."

Interior Design Business Owner

“So often, running a business can feel lonely and overwhelming; the VIP Experience and Alliance programs have helped me discover my long- and short-term goals and given me a pragmatic plan, and genuine support, to get there. Every day, I wake up with a sense of purpose and focus. I know who my future self is, and when faced with challenges, I feel confident that I will be able to persevere. Weathering the storm feels possible because I know that on the other side is a rewarding career and financial freedom.”

Interior Design Business Owner

“I get to do what I love doing and also make a good living doing it! I feel more in control of my life and my future. I have a plan for what I need to do to retire and live the lifestyle I want to live. I feel so much more secure and happy. Getting there took a lot of commitment and hard work, but it was all worth it!”

Interior Design Business Owner

“I don’t think that there is a single aspect of my life that has not been profoundly affected by my first VIP Experience and my subsequent interactions with Gail, my Boardroom, etc. …Over the years, my coaching has encompassed these 5 key words: communication, confidence, clarity, community, collaboration.”

Who Should Read This White Paper?

Which one are you?


Have you been a dabbler who now wants to be more?

You started out decorating your own home and helping friends and family because you have a talent for creating beautiful spaces. You’ve started a business using your skills but you still work alone or may hire occasional part-time support.


You are a great designer but you are constantly thinking about where to get new clients and projects. You worry daily about earning more profit and where the next client is coming from. It’s tough working all the time and also trying to meet new people like Realtors and Builders to refer you. You would love to build a less stressful business.


You are a designer that is really talented in terms of design but you are trying to learn how to have a great design firm. You are ready to challenge yourself and learn how to be successful as an owner of a growing business.

As the principal of your firm, you are focused on growing your team and learning how to expand your business every day by solving problems. It’s exciting but tough. You are transforming your skills as you encounter new challenges and opportunities, yet you struggle to keep up.


As the CEO, you are continuously thinking about the best way to get new projects and meet new people. You win awards, get published and receive critical acclaim.

Your business is stable and you have a great brand and a vision of where you want to take your business. You want to be a great leader for yourself and your team and continue to push your business to new heights.  

About Pearl Collective

We think that creative entrepreneurs ought to be able to run a successful design business. Nobody should have to experience the heartache and sleepless nights that go hand in hand with making mistakes and having to figure it out on their own.

We empower creative entrepreneurs to thrive, enabling them to earn more, worry less and enjoy better relationships with their clients and teams.

Our programs are for rising design firms who want to effectively manage their business in alignment with their personal goals and values. It’s a place for you to obtain business clarity, confidence, prosperity, fulfillment and to be a part of a tribe of like-minded professionals who have your back and challenge you to be better.

Download The White Paper

Start investing in your practice today with these simple best practices used by the world's biggest design firms. 
Interior Design Business Consultancy
4100 Albion St. Suite 1605 Denver, CO 80216
Contact Us : +1 720 477 0378
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